Advertise Everywhere.

We've got the largest ad network in Second Life.
You can advertise across 1,000s of locations.

Transform your advertising now >>

A Gaming Revolution.

We're revitalising Second Life by introducing revolutionary new grid-wide gaming experiences.

Increase your traffic now >>

Increase Traffic.

Increase traffic on your land by hosting popular Gold and Fish Hunt on your land.
Get Traffic >>

Grid-Wide Advertising.

Advertise on the largest pay-per-click adboard network in Second Life. Reach 10,000s of locations all at once.
Begin grid-wide advertising >>


With bidboards intelligent adboard system you can decide what is the value of advertising venue location. >>

Check us out on the Second Life Marketplace.

We've got a huge range of products designed to improve your Second Life. If your running a business we've got the tools to help you. If you're looking for a fun gaming experience, well we've got that too. Visit the store >>

Make Second Life a better place.

We're working with Second Life's landowners, merchants and ordinary players to help get the grid back to growth by changing entirely the way players aspire, interract and achieve in their Second Life.